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Retail petrol price kept flat in Vietnam

Retail petrol price kept flat in Vietnam

On December 27th, morning, Ministry of Industry and Trade announced to keep flat the price of petrol products as current, and reduced the withdrawn from stabilization fund to VND250 a liter for gasoline and VND210 a liter for oil products from VND460 a liter as before.

According to the Dispatch No. 411/TB-BTC, after consulting with Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Finance has requested the major distributors of petrol to hold steady prices all products as current. The price of RON 92 gasoline now is selling at VND20,800 a liter, while RON 95 gas is selling at VND21,300 a liter ...

Conversely, Ministry of Industry and Trade has requested deducing the withdrawn from stabilization fund to VND250 a liter for gasoline at the actual temperature and actual sales (from VND500 to VND300 a liter). Particularly, the operating on the gasoline tax tarif, Finance Ministry will have its own circulars.

In addition, the Ministry agreed to reduce the withdrawn from the stabilization fund for oil products in the actual temperature and actual sales. In detail, diesel will down to VND310 a liter (from VND1,000 to VND690 a liter); kero down at VND460 a liter (from VND900 to VND440 a liter); mazut reduced to VND210 a kg (from VND950 to VND 740 a kg).

Time effect of dispatch will apply for gasoline, oil from 15 PM, December 26th, 2011.

Source: Xangdau.net